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Showing posts from June, 2016

Dynamo4MEP - new package for MEP design

Yes, finally I'm creating a package for MEP engineers to be able to collect information from different systems. Is still a starting point but I'll try to improve this set of nodes with all my day by day experience. For now only 2 nodes are available, both of them collect information about different elements and export directly to an excel file. I'll add more elements (fittings, pipe, accessories, equipment,etc.) and also system information to these nodes. Stay tuned

Dynamo for automatic cables drawings

I'm trying to solve this task since 3 weeks. Finally I got it! Some python code, some sort and searching algorithm and now I can easily select a cable tray route, insert couple of parameters and run the automatic drawing. Everything is based on the logic of connectors. I'm using some algorithm to find connectors connected along the path and remove all  orphan connectors. This and others functionalities are part of one of the classrom that I've submitted to AU2016 so, cross the fingers with me :) In the meantime take a look to the video