Today I want to share a very simple and useful tip to add more columns to you quantification template. I'm sure that you faced my same issue when you try to use some customization during the quantification export and you want to direct map properties from the model directly to a item field. First of all this is a very simple quantification template. The construction team is able to select from the selection set a category (i.e. Ducts) and automatically take off the selected models element. Most of the field are taken directly from the model and you have to fields for description tha tyou can easily map with custom information. But, unfortunately we have only two fields and you know that your team is asking always for more than two, maybe three, but of course more than two :) So now the solution...navigate to this folder (depends on you version it may be different), and open this file for editing. Rember to create a backup copy of the file just in case some...
tips, techniques, tutorial and other about BIM