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Showing posts from June, 2012

Finally the first alpha release

Here's a video presentation about my last wip on a custom lighting pipeline integration.

WIP: LightingPipeline script, now with PyQT interface...

Stay tuned...

WIP: Now workin' on lighting pipeline scene asset

Here the first code to create a simple production lighting pipeline script. Stay tuned! import maya.cmds as cmds import maya.mel as mel import pymel.core as pm ambientName = 'ambient' flatDiffuseName = 'diffuseflat' ambientOcclusionName = 'occlusion' sssFront = 'sssfront' sssBack = 'sssback' colorVector = ['red','green','blue'] colors = [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]] lights = ['key','fill','rim','extraR','extraG','extraB'] overrideMTLName = 'SHD_overrideMTL' def createOverrideMTL(name): overrideMTL = mel.eval('shadingNode -asShader lambert') cmds.sets(renderable=True, noSurfaceShader = True, empty = True, name = overrideMTL + 'SG') cmds.connectAttr(overrideMTL + '.outColor', overrideMTL + 'SG.surfaceShader') cmds.setAttr(overrideMTL + '.color',1,1,1) cmds.rename(overrideMTL,name) cmds.rename(overrideMTL ...

Maya Fluid

Simple maya fluid animation.