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Autodesk Live and Revit: do you really need 3 clicks to get your model live?

This week I would like to present something not really technical but something that is becoming attractive for most of the clients: VR!
Autodesk as always, is one step ahead all other companies and, couple of months ago, after the official release of Autodesk Stingray, presented a new technology platform Autodesk Live.
This platform is based on the same technology of Autodesk Stingray but is mostly dedicated to Architectural visualization from a Revit model. So, let's try if it really simple as Autodesk says.

Prepare the model

After you download and install Autodesk Live, you'll find a new button in Revit addin tab called "Go Live" (first click)
You don't have to prepare the model in such a different way, because Autodesk Live is able to read linked models from you actual revit file and compose everything in a federated live model.
Most probably what you'll receive is an alert saying that is model has more than 10.000 elements visible and that performances can be improved hiding unnecessary elements. 
So, choose a folder for the final exported model and hit the "Save and Go!" (second click)
Now is only a matter of waiting background processes like uploading, preparing and downloading but everything is done without any request of interaction.
Once you receive the email, the model is ready to be used in the chosen folder.

Go live!

Ok now is time to open the Autodesk Live Editor (I'll not count this as part of the 3 clicks!) and choose the LVMD file (third click)

The model is ready and no more clicks are needed so, Autodesk is true :)

A look to the interface

Autodesk Live Editor is really intuitive and simply to use. You can take a 2 minutes video tour the first time you enter and read some interface help but, honestly you won't need it.
The exporter is taking already materials applied to the model and is importing 3D views from as well. Those views are imported as "viewpoints" and visible as marks.
Then you've bounces of settings about visibility style, people style (if you placed some RPC in Revit, you'll find in Live model) but the most interesting are related to lights and first player view. You can easily visualize the model daytime and nightime (lights will be on automatically!)

Then you'll be able to create and arrange new point of view to better communicate you design intent during the presentation mode.

The presentation model will give you the opportunity to navigate in model, inspect from inside each part and click on elements to receive BIM information.
There's also a nice functionality to move in the space called "Tap&Go" that, together with arrow keys, will help you to navigate.


Last but not least with Autodesk Live you've the opportunity to use VR devices like Oculus Rift to create immersive tour of the project. I'm currintly waiting for my brand new Rift + Touch and I'll give some updates as soon as I'll receive my toys!


Virtual Reality and Augmented reality are both game changer in the AEC market and construction companies are already involved in this process to better deliver projects and to better manage building life-cycles.
Stay tuned!


  1. Hi cesare...try one click :)

  2. it awesome man .it is vey useful .i know autodesk .it am also using future

  3. ร้อยไหม คืออะไร
    การร้อยไหม คือ เทคโนโลยีที่ช่วยแก้ไขปัญหา ผิวหน้าที่ไม่กระชับ หย่อนคล้อย ให้กลับมากระชับ หน้าเรียว เต่งตึง เข้ารูป วีเชฟได้สมใจ รวมทั้งสามารถช่วยการปรับโครงหน้าหรือแก้ไขปัญหาเฉพาะจุดด้วยการนำเส้นไหมชนิดพิเศษมาร้อยเข้ากับใบหน้าบริเวณใต้ผิวหนัง เพื่อกระตุ้นการสร้างเส้นเลือดใหม่ มีผลทำให้เกิดสร้างคลอลาเจนรอบๆ เส้นไหมซึ่งทิศทางการร้อยไหมที่สานกันเป็นร่างแห จะทำให้เกิดแรงดึง แรงยกกระชับในชั้นผิวหนัง ใบหน้าจึงดูเต่งตึง ยกกระชับหน้าขึ้นหลังการร้อยไหม ร้อยไหมก้างปลา
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    Bim consulting


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